Wednesday, June 02, 2010

re-conditioning of panic symptomatology sought

over the past 4 years i have been conditioned to a type of panic.

when's the next paper going to be due?
when's my next presentation?
when's my next group project?
when's do i see my next client?
when do i meet with my supervisor?
when is my defense?

now that i'm done with academics, i dont know what to do with myself?
maybe i should play with my self. (in a mischievous voice)

boy speaking to brother about imaginitive game wherein they pretend they are other people. this play required nothing but the imagination. no toys. thereby it was termed playing with one self.

boy 1: "hey i know what! lets go play with our-selves!"

boy 2: "yes that would be splendid! let us go to our room straight-away and do just that!"

dad: (listening in the distance) "play with yourselves?!?"

the days fly by and it feels like i hardly get anything done. the grass is up to my knees, the wife keeps nagging me about it but i just dont care.i just dont feel the sense of urgency i used to. i even have time to post to this silly blog. if that doesnt make my point i dont know what will.

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