Wednesday, June 09, 2010

the power of dum-dum.

i cuss when i drive. not like benign cussing but more like the full on, "get your a$$ out there mo*@*-f*#&er!! what the f#$k?! type of cussing.

its become habit-forming and tends to serve two purposes. first, it lets off steam and second it amuses me. the problem is it is wrong. you know, sinful. it taints my already too tainted soul.

i read once, by a famous author i think, that instead of calling people legitimate names like "a$$hole", he would instead call them made-up names like "fliberty birch". while clever in its own right, i'm afraid this approach requires verbal creativity i lack. also i think it would ultimately leave me unsatisfied. deep down i really know im not calling them a real name.

so, since i have a problem with vehement cussing while driving, i decided to instead just call people "dum-dum" when they do things i dont like. it is a real put-down but a really benign and childish one. the results have been fantastic. to begin with it amuses me. i laugh at myself when i do it. "out of the way dum dum!". and more importantly, i have begun to see the juvenile nature behind my original cussing in the first place. calling names & putting people down. childish.

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