Tuesday, April 06, 2010

dictator of the world, pt. 1

i often think about how i'll handle my power when i become dictator of the world. i will definitely implement some changes as i'm pretty unsatisfied with how things are being run currently.

1. to begin with, no more free welfare for able-bodied & able-minded individuals. if you dont have a job, dont worry the government will put you to work doing menial labor. you may be building prisons or sewing government uniforms or paving roads but you will be working.

2. no more baby-making to gain tax and welfare benefits. having children will cost parents. they will have to pay the government a baby tax to have more than one child.

3. if a mother (and father) chooses to have kids anyway in spite of being unable to pay for them, the children will be removed from their custody and placed with parents who can afford them.

4. everyone will serve their government for 2 years. this may be in a civilian or military role.

5. jails are no longer places for the criminal to sit and wait. in my new world it is a place of forced penance. the criminal labors while in prison. that labor is more or less hard labor based on the severity of the crime. you may make clothes or licence plates, or break boulders. it just depends. heres the beauty of it. the prisoners are paid a low sum and 95% goes directly to their victim or victims family.

6. certain violent crimes are dealt with severely in my world. if one is convicted of rape, murder, terrorism or child molestation the punishment is death. by hanging. the executions are viewable on public television. lesser crimes are dealt with less severely of course but more severely than in todays world.

7. if convicted of a violent crime, one is entitled to one appeal. this appeal is made by ones lawyer and the lawyer has a maximum of 1 year to make the appeal. people are no longer in a prison for a decade prior to execution. executions happen the week after a failed appeals.

8. there is no more lottery. this just has poor people spending the little they have on false hopes.

9. there are no more vanity licence tags. vanity is a sin afterall.

10. automakers must have 50% of their vehicles as electric or hybrid.

11. land developers must keep all large trees intact and build around them. if thats difficult or impossible, too bad.

more to come...


prometheus33 said...

i think i'm with you on most of these except # 3 and the second half of # 6 (the viewable executions). do you have a campaign logo yet?

icha said...

wow, the programs u offered are cool..I don't mind if you are a dictator in my country :)