Friday, April 16, 2010

passing the time while in traffic

i have driven so many miles in my life that i practically drive on auto-pilot anymore. i just get in the car with destination in mind and my body takes over to do the rest. it does this with only the minimal need of brain capacity. automatic responses. like a bus passenger, sometimes im surprised that ive reached my destination. "oh were here already!", my brain will say. i say all this to say that my brain is often bored while driving. so ive come up with a few activities to pass the time:

sometimes i'll imagine i have the power to move things. like cars in front of me. i'll imagine i can focus on a car and throw it thousands of feet in the air. or i can look at a line of traffic and cause it to part. like moses red sea, allowing me to drive down the middle.

another thing i'll do when at a stop sign where traffic is turning in front of me: i'lll study the faces of the drivers as they pass. its interesting, theyre almost all sad looking. rarely do you see a happy or tranquil face. very telling of our world i think. sometimes rather than focus on their face i'll note how many have a phone glued to their ear. many do. its like were afraid of silence and alone-time anymore.

another game i'll play is conceptualizing other drivers babyhood. driving around you see a variety of characters on the road. some are quite used looking as though life has given them a rough haul. they'res ruffians, wrinkled tough ladies, sex-pots, thugs, and the like. when i see them i'll give careful consideration that they were once babies. i'll imagine what they looked like as a baby. then i'll consider how life and their choises in life led them to their particular genre, outlook and life. once innocent, during life they bought into a schema which says, "i have to be tough", "i have to be mean", "i have to stand out and be different" or "i have to be sexy".

when i arrive at my destination, i put the game away, until the next time my brain catches a ride with my body.

1 comment:

Aufgeblassen said...

Don't complain; I've driven MANY more miles than you!!!