Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Jesus hand-me-down

when i was a kid, i think we were a lil poor. one day i was getting ready to go to soccer practice and all my shirts were in the wash or dirty or something. i complain to my mom and she procures a grocery bag of hand-me-downs from a friend of hers who had two boys about 5 years older than me. there was only one shirt that was not a dress shirt. i put it on and to my horror it said "keep on truckin' for Jesus". beneath it was a picture of a 4X4 looking truck. i was mortified to wear it but desperate.

i wore it and tried to keep my arms crossed so that no one would see my embarrassing shirt. unfortunately within minutes someone shouts, "HAHA Oh my God, 'truckin' for Jesus"! several others looked and laughed then moved on. i was about 10 or 11 but the memory left its mark on me.

why was i embarrassed? probably because i anticipated the reaction i got. but why did i anticipate it? at that young age was i already aware that this was an unacceptable mark to wear in an enemy's camp. like waving a U.S. flag at a Hitler parade. and if one is so apprehensive to wear Jesus on their chest, how much more so are they to reveal that he is in their hearts?

so many questions, so little time to answer them.

1 comment:

Aufgeblassen said...

When I was a kid, my mom cut the back waistband of my pants, so they would fit me better & I could wear them longer. The pants had a big "V" in the back. I don't know if it was embarrassing at the time, but definitely is after the fact.