Friday, February 27, 2009

erykah and i

erykah badu and me both have the same birthday. not only the same date but the same year. within a 24 hour period we were both probably screaming to the top of our lungs as some menacing doctor extracted us from the safety of our mothers' wombs.

i did not know this until i googled my birthday yesterday. its surprising to learn someone has your exact birthday. i was especially surprised because years ago i bought a cd by her. her cd has a picture of an ankh. her website is sprinkled with eygptian hieroglyphs.

i do (did) oil painting and went through a time where i was somewhat obsessed with ancient eygptian mystique. i painted eygptian, decorated eygptian, and yes even walked like an eygptian.

well as far as i know thats where the creepy similarities end.

good day.

1 comment:

Aufgeblassen said...

One question: WHO is Erykah? Never heard of he or she.