Tuesday, February 17, 2009

losing things

i hate losing things. like, really, really, hate it. i'll say things to myself, like "why me God?" or "i wish i were dead!" or "why was i ever born", when i lose things.

but you know, typically, it seems like my imagination is what makes it so bad. i blow things way out of proportion. case in point, the other day i thought i lost my zip drive. i envisioned someone finding it plugged into a library computer and then they look and see all my private stuff. turns out it was under some paper on my desk.

or the time i thought i lost a book someone loaned me. i thought "what?! i must have lost it somehow someway, maybe i accidently gave it to charity or something crazy. this will be relationship damaging." turns out i stuck it in a drawer to remove the appearance of clutter.

or the time i thought i lost my monthly calender. i was sick about it for about an hour. i called places and asked if theyd seen it. i asked others if they accidently thought it was theirs and took it. again, it was under some paper, this time on my dining room table.

all the gut wrenching angst seems to usually be about nothing.

1 comment:

Aufgeblassen said...

One time I lost my wallet. At a K
Mart parking lot, when my eldest son was a mere baby and my shorts had no pockets, I had placed my wallet on the roof of the car to place child in car seat from shopping cart. So I forget my wallet and got in car and drove off. About a mile down the road, I realized what happened, so I stopped car and noticed n wallet on roof, so I quickly turned around, headed for K Mart, looking for my wallet on or at side of road. When I reached K Mart driveway, I see my wallet on ground. At same exact time, another motorist spied wallet and pulled over to get it, but fortunately I beat him to it. So the guy follows me down the road, thinking it was "his" wallet (since he saw it first). I eventually pull in an ABC parking lot, and he comes up to me saying "give me my wallet!!". I say it is mine, and show him a picture of my son in wallet (not thinking to show him my license). He was skeptical, but left me alone after that. The NERVE of some people!