Tuesday, February 24, 2009

the curious case of...unnatural randomness

in batman dark knight, alfred informs bruce wayne that he doesnt understand the joker. the joker is about chaos, anarchy, random violence. there is no understanding, no predicting. the inability to comprehend the joker's violence makes him all the more terrifying. In the news "...random killing" strikes terror in our hearts. when someone kills their parents or their kids or a group of quaker children...we want to know why? why? when the twin towers and the pentagon are bombed by suicide terrorists...we want to know why? why?

why is chaos, anarchy and random violence questioned at all. isnt it all natural? if it is not natural and instead order, unity and meaning are natural what do we do with that?

random explosions, random massive balls of chemicals and rock flying about, random lightning strikes, random life giving goop, random accidents, random protozoa, random sperm meshing with random egg, random life, random death,...produces creatures who are repelled by randomness, repelled by a life without meaning.

why would that be? maybe its not so random afterall...maybe that inner voice repelled by the chaos, anarchy, and random violence is on to something. go on... listen to it. its talking to you.

"randomness is not natural"

1 comment:

Aufgeblassen said...

Don't forget about pseudo-randomness; it appears very much to be random to the untrained eye, but in reality, there is a definite, repetitive pattern.