Tuesday, January 05, 2010

diary entry 1/5/1910

i'll be taking a trip with my dad in the next couple of days. a 2 or 3 day trip driving several hundred miles each way. when he asked to come with me, my first thoughts were "why does he want to go with me? did mom or my wife put him up to it?". thats weird to think stuff like that over such an innocent request.

maybe in part its because weve never really connected on a psychologically deep level. i dont know why. were just different i guess. its like we have CB radios that are forever on different channels. on occasion we'll get each other's staticy frequency...you can barely hear it...then its gone.

part of me looks forward to a trip where we'll possibly be forced to be on the same channel. but part of me fears the close proximity wont make a difference.

- j.k. leopold


prometheus33 said...

how did the trip go?

arcturus88 said...

i'll have to see if i cant find another article from j.d. leopold regarding the trip and post it.