Tuesday, November 03, 2009

purposeful ignorance

i like this quote a lot...

Begin each day by telling yourself: Today I shall be meeting with interferences, ingratitude, insolence, disloyalty, ill-will, and selfishness...all of them due to the offenders' ignorance of what is good or evil.
- Marcus Aurelius

i dont believe it, but i like it. i mean i believe the part about all the crummy stuff (i originally said "shit" here but then thought better of it) people inevitably do to you on a day to day basis. and i believe its good to prep yourself for it. but i dont believe its out of ignorance of their evil, their misdeeds, at least not entirely.

at some level we are knowledgable. its painful to look at our misdeeds so people typically chose to simply avoid looking. self-absorbed, willful ignorance is not really ignorance. its like playing dumb. there is will in that avoidance.

think about apologies. theyre pretty rare. but its not because people dont know that they did wrong to the other, its often because they dont want to face what they did, and apologizing makes you face it.


Aufgeblassen said...

On the other hand, if you apologize, you are admitting that you knowingly did something wrong at the time, showing that you are a true scoundrel.

But often times, we do what we thought was right at the time. Sure, in hindsight, and with "Monday morning quarterbacking", what you did may seem wrong long after the fact, but we are human and do not have crystal balls to guide us.

We should not second guess our decisions, because it is too late - what is done is done.

icha said...

No, I didn't interview him. I took the article from http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article6897964.ece. If you click the title of my post, you will be directed to the website. Anyway, I wish I could talk to him.

Happy Sunday,
