theres a number of disgusting words and phrases heard regarding this grotesque process...
"im (blank) centimeters dialated"
"my mucus plugs came out" (gag)
"the baby looked like it was covered in cheesecloth when it came out"
"my water broke"
"im spotting blood"
oh my God! i feel ill just typing this stuff up. ugg
despite all this that i feel, i cant deny that people love it. they love it! they love the whole thing. the attention of walking around with a big belly. feeling the baby kick about inside them. feeling cravings spawned by the baby. people describe this time in their life with joy in their eyes and seem to genuinely enjoy being pregnant.
amazingly, many cant wait to do it all again after having already gone through the process once.
this is the miracle: despite the grossness and pain of it all, God inspires more joy in the parents during this period than perhaps any other period of their life. so much so, they dont see the grossness, dont see the pain, just the blinding love He intends.
Your post made me think of this scene from Rat Race:
You may be stereotyping.
Did you watch the video clip? It's freaking hilarious.
yeah, funny stuff!
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