Tuesday, June 02, 2009

help wanted.

Audioslave put this tune out several years ago:

Light my Way

In my hour of need
On the sea of gray
O on my knees I pray to you
Help me find the dawn
O f the dying day

Won't you light my way?
Won't you light my way?

A Bullet is a man
From time to time he strays
I compare my life to this
To this I relate
And I'm willing
To listen to your answers
And I'm not ashamed
You tell you I need you today

Won't you light my way?
Won't you light my way?

So when I'm lost
Or I'm tired and depraved
Or when my high bullet mind goes astray
Won't you light my way?

it is like the person who hits the proverbial rock bottom and realizes he cant do it alone. it being life.

this acknowledgement of ones inability to truly manage alone is quite moving. it would be one thing to have the epiphany that one is unable to manage alone, and consequently needing the help of a fellow human. that would leave one feeling rather anti-climatic.

like sure someone else will help you, but who will help that someone helping you?like a redistribution of garbage. here i'll put this garbage in a dump. ok its all gone now. well not really.

but to finally, after trying all else, realize a need to ask God for help, to finally realize a need for God...thats significant. within that framework one is not only acknowledging their inabilty, but they are also acknowledging humankind's inability.

i could give this problem to my brother, but that would be just re-distributing the waste. the problem doesnt go away, it just moves from point X to point Y. but to give up and ask for help from a Creator, is to require something more than simple re-distribution. it requires a execution.

1 comment:

Aufgeblassen said...

But the "acknowledgement (sic)of ones (sic) inability to truly manage alone" could quite possibly be nothing more than a lack of self-confidence!