Wednesday, May 29, 2013


humans are habituating creatures. expose us to a thing long enough and we get, for lack of a better word, accustomed to it. smack a metal rod against a surface near me and i am surprised, shocked even. do it a hundred times in a row and by the time ou get to one hundred, i'm expecting it. i'm used to it. this happens with bad things that we ought not get habituated to, such as domestic violence. the first time a victim is hit it is likely shocking, but over time even that horrific behavior can become the norm. a woman may stay in a horrible relationship for years, because she at least knows what to expect. she has habituated to bad treatment. we can also become habituated to good things. things that we ought not get habituated to, such as a breath-taking view, or a beautiful woman, or a lovely personality. exposed to these long enough, we begin to get accustomed to them. we take them for granted. we become used to the thing that drove awe and inspiration. over time with both of these habituating forces at work, we become deadened creatures. we are not moved anymore. passion fades. moving from the polar ends toward the all too gray middle-ground. being open to the unknown, and unexpected may provide some answer. looking for serendipity, if you'll pardon the oxymoron.

1 comment:

Aufgeblassen said...

I would expect it by the 50th time.