Monday, March 08, 2010



I'd say probably 3 or 4 years ago my wife and i bought an antique cabinet to house my antique books. it has the wavy glass showing its age. i loved it.

then about a year late i noticed a bunch of little wood pellets inside of it. each just slightly bigger than a grain of sand. some parasitic critter was living in my beloved cabinet. i took out all my books, inspected them then sprayer insect killer into the cabinet. i hoped that did the trick. About a year later still and the little wood pellets are back. something is still there. gnawing at my cabinet then shitting out wood turds. the little f###er!

i've finally decided i cant have it. i have to get rid of the thing before this demon spreads and eats other beloved things in my life. or better yet, maybe i'll pack my bags and move to the fiji islands, leaving the little parasite to its own devices. who knows?

-J.K. Leopold


Aufgeblassen said...

Why don't you just post your own stories, rather than bootleg somebody else's?

arcturus88 said...
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Aufgeblassen said...

What I mean is, I start reading these stories, and think it is a true account of what happened to you, only to find out I've only been fooled, and I feel foolish.