Tuesday, March 23, 2010

for history's sake

ive always had a keen sense of history. no, not like sensing world history but sensing my own history. it turns out not everyone is aware of the passing of time the way i am. in fact, it seems, some people stumble-bum through life never really cognizant of their past, present and future.

but not i!
why, it is practically a mutant gift i have. you know, this sensing of time.
maybe a few examples are in order:

when i was 4 i discovered that smokey the bear had died. i quickly realized that this meant i would die and more importantly that my parents would one day die. i ran to my mom in tears over this painful discovery.

when i was 7 i remember being melancholy at my birthday realizing i would only be 7 this once. that it would all be a memory one day.

when i was 13 remember being depressed when driving home from a family vacation. i remember feeling that i would never be a kid again nor enjoy the innocence of childhood again. adulthood was near and i knew it.

today its somewhat different. im still very cognizant of the passing of time but rather than being down about it, i try to use it to my advantage. i do the things i want to do now, because now is passing quickly. i say the things i want to say. befriend those i want as friends. disregard those i dont.

i guess when you realize how short life is you can get sad or get busy.


prometheus33 said...

nice post. indeed, you always had more of an ability to figure such things out than i did.

Aufgeblassen said...

I remember the day that was the high point of my life quite vividly. It was the day I got my full driver's license, and I went for a ride down a country road ALL BY MYSELF. It was quite exhilarating.