Sunday, December 13, 2009

running, motivation and creating an ambiance.

ran 5 miles today. take that prometheus33. it was brutal. i like to listen to inspiring music to help the motivating man that lives in my heart, or soul, or brain. wherever he lives. you know the one that digs coal as a metaphor for motivation. well hes been up to his waist in coal as of late so he hasnt had much umpph. when i listen to music it filters into his dungeon and provides ambiance for him to work in. however, ive recently realized i must let him work at the same pace and not work faster just because hole's violet is blaring in on the coal mines speaker. i tell him just keep the pace, dont go faster. hes getting old and making him go faster just wears him out. bless his heart, the little fella that lives in the motivational corner of my heart.

1 comment:

prometheus33 said...

sometimes i'd like to bitch slap the little lazy shit. especially when i sleep in late