Tuesday, December 15, 2009

finding homes for junk

my wife hates to throw things away. she feels that every little thing, however old or junky, has a home out there in this great big ole world and you just have to find it. thats the problem, finding it.

i know her perspective is probably better for the planet. if you find a home for junk that means less junk in the land-fill, but its not easy. anyone out there need a 2007 calendar or a broken flashlight? sometimes i feel like our home is a waystation for junk in transition.

wife: "oh we cant throw that away, daphne could use that when she finally gets a place of her own".

me: "yeah right. like thats going to happen".

ive learned to throw things away in secret. sometimes in the garbage, sometimes to a thrift store. i enjoy lightening the load. and i think i enjoy the secretive nature of it as well. i hate when the clutter accumulates and i cant find an empty surface in the house. thats when my dormant OCD symptoms kick in. my mind starts planning for how to secretly dispose of the waste.

1 comment:

prometheus33 said...
