Friday, December 18, 2009

ear hair and the latent fear of death

for the last 4 or 5 years ive noticed hair growing in my ears. hahahahaha. stop! dont get me wrong! i dont let it grow there! no, no, no, i havent been cultivating ear hair for 4 to 5 years. in fact, the moment i see any hair in my ears i immediately pluck them out with tweezers! on occasion i'll have a wild hair with the audacity to try and grow on my tragus (see ear diagram for you laymen). it too is plucked in its youth so as to make an example to any other hairs who might get ideas.

i pluck them immediately because i despise seeing hair in my ears. i loathe and detest it. not only seeing it on myself but on others as well. i dont like seeing anyone with ear hair. it is the epitome of gross, unkemptness that goes along with the worst side of old age. it says, "im old , im dying and frankly i dont give a shit anymore." thats the crux of it really. it speaks to death. afterall, babies dont have ear hair like that. only the old or older do.

ive read the stoic's and samurai's take on facing death. however, despite my pondering the nobility of facing death, here is a place where death bothers.


Aufgeblassen said...

Look at is as a "badge of honor"B

Aufgeblassen said...

BTW: I also get tons of nostril hair, to the point of practically blocking air flow. So I trim once a week, along with ear hairs.

For a long time, I've been meaning to look into "electrolysis", to see if it can be used to remove all ear hair. I don't mind trimming nostril hair so much, but it is a pain to do the ear hairs.

arcturus88 said...

"blocking air flow" HAHAHAHAHA!