Monday, October 12, 2009 vewy quite...i'm texting wabbits!

people love their texting.

its kind of scary. the other day i observed this couple sitting across from each other in a restaurant; each was furiously texting rather than engaging each other in conversation. occasionally theyd pick up a morsel of food with one hand and put it in their mouth, never taking their eyes of their texting machine.

ive seen students texting with their one hand just behind the desk and out of view of the professor, who probably put hours into the lecture. i have friends who will text me rather than talking to me on the phone. people get into accidents and killed because they just had to text while driving. hell, theres probably people out there who text while love-making.

are we so afraid of isolation and quiet? afraid or disenchanted with the real world?

well maybe we are. or maybe it just feels right to our souls to be instantly connected to something other than ourselves. perhaps it just feels natural to voice our random thoughts to something we can't even see. to be heard.


prometheus33 said...

does the chat feature on facebook count as "texting"?

arcturus88 said...

sorry im not familiar with that feature.


Aufgeblassen said...

I disabled texting on my cell phone. For minuscule amounts of minutes, the cell phone companies charge minutes for texting. It is a complete rip-off!!!