Thursday, July 23, 2009

the conundrum of curses

i cursed her. not a simple damn you curse. a real curse.

i wished that nothing good would ever happen to her. i prayed that she would lose all of her friends and that her life would be filled with sorrow. i wished that she would never find happiness, success, or love. i cursed her to a life of misery.

sure. a little dramatic. i mean i could practically hear the bram stoker's dracula soundtrack playing in the background as i made my curse.

i knew a little something about curses though. voduon culture dictates that only the lowest of the low should be cursed. by this they mean anyone who has done great evil against their family.

to me, she fit the bill. she caused great pain to the one i loved the most. unthinking, unconscious, unwarranted pain inflicted on her. the one who loved her the most. the one who was always there for her. the tears, the sleepless anxious nights. the heartache. yeah she fit the bill alright.

curiously the curse worked. she lost her friends. sorrow entered her life. jobless, homeless, in need. she lost the appeal she had on others. unwanted. she was saddled with a huge burden and nobody to help her. and to boot, she was inflicted with horrendous pain.

i watched this unfold with time. first i was delighted. then mildly satisfied; stoicly pleased at the nature and course of this justice. as it continued though, i felt my satisfaction replaced by meloncholy, then dull sadness. watching her suffer, i was able to forgive her, as best i could. i even tried to help her, weakly. nothing stopped the curse though. maybe nothing can. there is harsh rigidness in this curse.


prometheus33 said...

well written reflection...makes me ponder such things in my own realm.

Aufgeblassen said...

It is a "catch-22" situation (or is it irony?), because if you had died when you you were "delighted", you would have been better off.

arcturus88 said...

maybe if the goal to life is to be delighted, but if it is to find truth, then no.

Aufgeblassen said...

There is a certain amount of delight in finding out the real truth.